Discover Attributes
Exercise by Reka
Grade/Age: any
Topic/Subject area: any
Duration: 20-25 mins
Number of the students: any
Single work/Team work: both
1. Each student gets a set, and are asked to experiment with it, build freely, and make observations about the pieces and about the game (5 mins)
2. In small groups, students share what they found, and they are asked to make subject-specific observations. E.g. for math: What mathematical observations can you make? (5 mins)
3. Teacher shuffles groups, and students share their previous observations to their new partners, plus look for more observations. (5 mins)
4. Each group shares one observation with the whole class (5 mins)
Possible discoveries by subject:
Math: Three heights, Number of vertices, faces, edges, Equilateral triangle, prism, Faces what polygons
Science: Material of pieces, density
Arts: Form, texture, associations
This activity works best when students first meet the set before they know the rules of the game. Can be preceded by movement activities, but nothing more specific.
Note Eva: maybe let them play with the resources from Diego Lieban on GeoGebra about Logifaces first.