Adding Vectors Geometrically
This applet will help you discover how we geometrically add any 2 vectors.
To Use:
1) Determine the components of vectors u and v by using the purple and green sliders.
2) Slide the black slider (bottom right) to geometrically form vectors u and v.
3) Move the YELLOW POINT (initial point of v) ON TOP OF the ORANGE POINT (terminal point of u).
4) Slide the additional slider that appears once you complete step (3).
The vector that appears will be the the RESULTANT VECTOR.
In this case, the RESULTANT VECTOR is the sum of vectors u and v.
You can watch the demo video below if you have questions about the process. Make sure your submissions include examples different from the video.
Repeat this process a few times and make observations.
A) What do you notice?
B) What do you wonder?
Screenshot one example where both vectors are pointing in the same direction.
Screenshot one example where the vectors are pointing in opposite directions.
Screenshot one example you found particularly interesting and explain why.