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GeoGebraГеоГебра анги

Demonstrate the effects of scaling on volume

The red sliders set the dimensions of the original rectangular prism. Start with L=12, W=15, H=18. The black slider adjusts the scale factor of the dimensions of the original to create a new prism.

In general terms, what are do you notice when the scale factor is greater than 1? How about between zero and 1? How about 1?

When the scale factor is set to 2, what is the ratio of the volume of the new scaled prism to the original prism?

When the scale factor is set to 3, what is the ratio of the volume of the new scaled prism to the original prism?

When the scale factor is set to 0.5, what is the ratio of the volume of the new scaled prism to the original prism?

Change the dimensions of the original rectangle. Next Change the scale factor to 2, then 3, then 0.5.

How would your answers to the questions above change?