Geometry (Middle School)

Table of Contents
Nets of 3D Solids
- Nets of the Cube
- 11 Nets of the Cube
- Cube: Exploration Template
- Rectangular Prism: Basic Net Demo
- Nets of Tetrahedron
- Tetrahedron: Exploration Template
- Octahedron: Exploration Template
- Octahedron and Boat
- Net of a Cylinder
- Net of a Cone
- Unwrapping a cone v2
- Net of Dodecahedron
- Dodecahedron: Exploration Template
- Another Net of Dodecahedron
- Net of Icosahedron
- Icosahedron: Exploration Template
- Net of Hexagonal Prism
Perimeter and Area
- Composite Figure Template
- Parallelogram: Area
- Building Parallelograms with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Triangle Area Action! (V1)
- Triangle Area Action!!! (V2)
- Area of a Triangle (Discovery)
- Create a Triangle with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Trapezoid: Area (I)
- Trapezoid: Area (2)
- Create a Trapezoid with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Area of a Rhombus
- Circumference = ? (Animation)
- Circumference = ? (Animation II)
- Angular to Linear: Without Words
- Circle Area (by Peeling)
- Area of a Circle (III)
- Circle Area (By Peeling!)
- Scaling Figures: Effects on Areas
- Regular Pentagon: Area
- Regular Pentagon: Area (II)
- Area of a Regular Polygon
- Regular Polygons: Perimeter & Area
- Area of a Sector
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V1)
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V2)
- Segment Area: Quick Investigation
Surface Area and Volume
- Surface Area: Intuitive Introduction
- Creating Rectangular Prisms with Given Surface Area
- Volume: Intuitive Introduction
- Build Your Own Right Triangular Prism (V2)!
- Unwrapping a Cylinder: REVAMPED!
- Create a Cylinder with Given Lateral Area
- Square Pyramid: Underlying Anatomy
- Cone Anatomy
- Volume of Pyramids - Chinese Proof
- Washer Action!!! (1)
- Trisecting the Cube into 3 Pyramids
- Figure 6.7 Cavalieri's principle
- Cavalieri's Principle (祖暅原理)
- oblique and right pyramid - Cavalieri
- Surface Area of Spheres
- Volume of Spheres
- Volume of Spheres with Proof
- A sphere in a cylinder.
- Volumes and Surface Areas of Similar Cuboids
- Box with Open Top
Cross Sections of All Kinds
Geometry Vocabulary Explorations
- Congruent Segments: Quick Exploration
- Proving Segments Congruent (Exercise)
- Congruent Angles: Definition
- Proving Angles Congruent (1)
- Proving Angles Congruent (2)
- Proving Angles Congruent
- Midpoint Definition
- Segment Bisector Definition
- Perpendicular Lines: Quick Intro
- Segment Bisectors (Definitions)
- Perpendicular Bisector Definition
- Perpendicular Bisector Definition
- Angle Bisector Definition (I)
- Complementary Meaning?
- Supplementary Angles (Quick Exploration)
- Triangle Altitude Illustrator and Definition Writing Prompt
- Triangle Median Illustrator & Definition Writing Prompt
- Equilateral Action!!!
- Equiangular Action!!!
- Regular Polygon Action!
- Circle vs. Sphere
Transformations In the Plane
- Messing With Lisa
- Exploring Translations in the Coordiante Plane
- Translations and Rotations
- Translating Triangle by a Vector
- Tessellation by Translation
- Parallel Translation
- Exploring Line Reflections
- Reflections
- Reflections and Translations
- Reflections Introduction
- Flip Flop Reflection
- Transformations: Possible PreImages?
- Footprints in the Sand
- Exploring Rotations Around Points
- Rotations: Introduction
- Point Symmetry: Another Perspective
- Composing Transformations: Line Reflections and Rotation
- Tool for compositions of rigid transformations and dilations
- Applet for Multiple Transformations
- Transformations: Exercise 1
- Transformations: Exercise 2
- Transformations: Exercise 3
Congruence in Terms of Rigid Motions
- Are the triangles congruent (part 2)?
- Are the triangles congruent (part 3)?
- Congruent Figures: Dynamic Illustration
- Proving Tri's Congruent (I)
- Proving Tri's Congruent (II)
- SAS - Exercise 1A
- SAS - Exercise 1B
- SAS - Exercise 2
- SAS - Exercise 3
- SSS: Exercise 1
- SSS: Exercise 2
- SSS: Exercise 3
- SAS: Dynamic Proof!
- Animation 136
- SSS: Dynamic Proof!
- SSS: Dynamically Illustrated
- ASA Theorem?
- ASA: Exercise
- SSA Theorem?
- Ambiguous Case (SSA) Illustrator: All Cases
- Is "SSA" Legit? What Do You Think?
- Exploring SSA
- HL: Hypotenuse-Leg Action!
Naming Congruent Triangles with Reasons
Similar Figures
Transversals, Lines, Angles
- Vertical Angles Exploration (1)
- Vertical Angles Exploration (2)
- Vertical Angles Theorem
- Vertical Angles: Quick Discovery
- Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines
- Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Corresponding Angles to Start? (Quick Investigation)
- Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Interior Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V3)
- Alternate Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
- Same-Side-Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
- Same-Side-Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Exploring Same Side Exterior Angles
- Triangle Area Action! (V1)
- Triangle Area Action!!! (V2)
- Area of a Triangle (Discovery)
- Triangle Interior and Exterior Angles: Quick Exploration
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V2)
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V3)
- Triangle Angle Sum Theorem (V4)
- Triangle Angle Sum Theorem
- Obvious Corollary
- Triangle Exterior Angle
- Triangle: Exterior Angles
- Quadrilateral: Exterior Angles
- Pentagon: Exterior Angles
- Polygons: Exterior Angles
- Polygons: Exterior Angles - REVAMPED
- Exterior Angles (Revisited)
- Exterior Angles (Revisited) V2
- Exploring Polygon Angles: Triangle through Octagon
- Angles of a Right Triangle
- Acute Angles of a Right Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle: Quick Discovery
- A Special Triangle & Its Properties (I)
- Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
- Isosceles Triangle Investigation
- Exploring Isosceles Triangles (Version A)
- Exploring Isosceles Triangles (VB)
- Converse of IST: Template
- Converse of IST (V1)
- Animation 23
- Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
- Converse of IST (II)
- Isosceles Right Triangle: Quick Investigation
- Special Right Triangle (I)
- Special Right Triangle (II)
- Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
- Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
- Triangle Side Possibilities? (V2)
- Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality (II)
- Inequalities in 1 Triangle
Pythagorean Theorem
- Proof Without Words
- Proof Without Words
- Proof Without Words
- Proof Without Words
- Practice: Pythagorean Theorem (1)
- Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2A)
- Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2B)
- Pythagorean Theorem: Building Right Triangles
- Creating Distances in the Coordinate Plane: Formative Assessment with Feedback
- Creating Distances in 3 Space: Quick Formative Assessment
Parallelograms and Other Quadrilaterals
- Parallelogram: Area
- Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
- Parallelogram Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Parallelogram: Theorem 1
- Parallelogram: Theorem 2
- Parallelogram: Theorem (3)
- Building Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane (Version 1)
- Building Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane (Version 2)
- What are the characteristics of parallelograms?
- Parallelograms (I)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 1)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 2)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 3)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 4)
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 1
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 2
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 3
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 4
- Congruent Opposite Sides of a Quadrilateral
- Quadrilateral With Opposite Angles Congruent
- What Kind of Quad?
- Quadrilateral Investigation (I)
- What are the characteristics of rhombuses?
- Rhombus Action!
- Rhombus Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Rhombus Template with Investigation Questions
- Area of a Rhombus
- Rectangle Action!
- Rectangle Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Rectangle Template with Investigation Questions
- Create a Rectangle with Given Area Whose Vertices Have No Repeated Coordinates
- What are the characteristics of squares and rectangles?
- Square Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Square Template with Investigation Questions
- Square Action!
- Creating Squares
- Trapezoids: Median Investiagtion
- Trapezoid Median (Midsegment) Action!
- Trapezoid Median: 2 Discoveries
- What are the characteristics of trapeziums?
- Isosceles Trapezoid Action!
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template
- Obvious Trapezoid Theorem?
- Kite Action!
- Kite Template: Scaffolded Investigation
- Kite Template with Investigation Questions
- Quad Midpoints Action!
- Quadrilateral Creation Templates
- Quadrilateral Creations from 2 Isosceles Triangles
- Classifying Quadrilaterals
- Constructing Quadrilaterals by Four Sides (2014)