K-2 Number Sense, Operations, Measurement, Data
- Comparing Small Numbers
- Comparing Two Whole Numbers
- Cash Register
- Coin Counter
- Numberline
- Number Dots and Place Value
- Place Value with Number Dots
- Place Value Disks
- Arranged Ten Frames
- Place Value Blocks
- Number Bond Grids
- Virtual Numicon Shapes
- Numbered Counters
- Fraction and Decimal Hundredths Grids
- Coloured counters
- Number Line
- Number line (mental addition/subtraction)
- More: Number and Representation Game
- Cats, Cows, Dogs, Horses
- Rekenrek
- Rekenrek - 4 rows - Screen
- Balance (The Farmer's Stone)
- Money Counting
- Ten Frames
- Hundreds Grid
- Rekenrek
- Rekenrek with Addition
- Rekenrek - 4 rows - Screen
- Number in Four Forms
- Hundreds Grid - Bottom Up (with blank spaces)
- Pattern Blocks
- Four-by-Four NIM
- Number Pyramids
- Where is the Number?
- Number Dots Addition with Place Value
- Adding numbers to 20
- Add up to - level 1
- Add to target
- Sums to 100
- Adding up to 100
- Subtraction within Two Places
- Subtracting up to 100
- 100 Grid for Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
- Adding Double Digits
- Double digit subtraction
- Multiplicative Commutativity
- Thermometer - Positive and Negative Numbers
- Spaceship Racing Game
- Addition (Up to 5 + 5)
- Kindergarten Addition (Up to 10 + 10)
- Adding to 40 with dots
- Adding using Quick Tens
- Base Ten Blocks
- Rekenrek Addition
- Addition using the "arrow way"
- Arranged Ten Frames
- Multiplication of Natural Numbers
- Seeing Division
- Quiz on Multiplication Table 乘數表:測驗
- Multiply by 2 with dice
Measurement & Data