The tree of Pythagoras
Moldova, Gaudeamus HS
- The tree of Pythagoras by Duzinchevici Mariela, Gaudeamus
- The tree of Pythagoras/Damir Mihaela/Gaudeamus High School
- The tree of Pythagoras/Dolinschi Nicoleta/Gaudeamus High School
- pythagora's tree by Vlad (MD)
- The tree of Pythagoras-Palade Mădălina/Gaudeamus School/MD
- Pythagorean tree/Frunză Andreea RM
- Pythagorean Tree(apple tree)
- The tree of Pythagoras by Chiriac Bogdana Md
- Tree
- The tree of Pythagoras
- Pythagorian tree-T. Briana
- Pythagorean Tree_Madalina_Gaudeamus HS
- New tool to create Pythagorean Tree animated
- Sofia Tanase LTJM RO
- Ana F Pythagorean Tree LTJM
- SAbin Naghi Pythagoras Tree LTJM Ro
- Maria Dumitru Pythagoras Tree LTJM Ro
- Pythagorean Tree Matei Radu LTJM
- Ana Rusu Pythagorean Tree LTJM
- Pythagoras Tree
- Pitagora tree Andrei Ciocoiu ltjm
- Luca P Pythagora's tree ltjm
- Delia - Pythagorean Tree
- Mate Radu LTJM Ro
- Copy of Pythagoras Tree Maria F
- Pitagora tree Teofil
- Sudenaz ONHAL Pythagorian Tree
- Yağmur ONHAL
- Elif ONHAL The Tree of Pythagorian
- Efe ONHAL Pythagorian Tree
- Sevginur ETILER - The Tree Of Pythagoras
- Ela ETILER-The Tree Of Pythagoras
- Yiğitalp ETİLER- The tree of Pythagoras
- Betül Baruthane Tree
- Alperen Baruthane
- Ecmel Baruthane
- İrem Baruthane
- İsmail ETİLER-the tree of Pythagoras
- Hayrettin ETILER-The tree of Pythagoras
- Tunç ETILER-The Tree Of Pythagoras
- Feyyaz A-Etiler - The Tree of Pythagoras
- Sıla-Etiler Fractal Tree