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Inner Product

Projection Map

In , we consider a unit vector . We define the projection map onto the line containing vector as follows: For any vector in , such that is the signed distance from the origin to the foot of the perpendicular to the line containing from the arrowhead of . The sign is positive/negative if the vector from the origin to the foot of the perpendicular is in the same/opposite direction of , as shown in the applet below. As illustrated by the applet below, is in fact a linear transformation. Therefore, it can be represented by an 1 x 2 matrix. Moreover, it can be shown that and , where . Hence, for any , we have

Inner Product

The definition of projection map can readily be generalized to or even i.e. suppose is a unit vector in . Then for any vector in , we define the projection map onto the line containing as follows: Since the above definition is symmetric in and , this suggests that we should extend the definition to any vector , without the restriction that is a unit vector: Definition: Given any vectors in , the real number is called the inner product (or dot product) of and , usually denoted by . Remarks:
  • If , then we can write , where is the unit vector in the direction of and is the length of the vector . Hence . Moreover, for any nonzero vector , is perpendicular to if and only if , or equivalently, .
  • The geometric concept of the "angle between two vectors" is encoded in the inner product: Let and be two unit vectors in or , then , where is the angle between the two vectors. Therefore, in , we can define the "angle between two vectors" through inner product.
The following are some basic properties of the inner product: Let and be vectors in , and let be any real number. Then
  1. and if and only if
Notice that for any vector in (or ), (or ), which is the square of the length of the vector. Hence, we can generalize this definition to vectors in as follows: Definition: The length (or norm) of vector in is the nonnegative real number defined by Given any nonzero vector , we can compute the unit vector in the direction of as follows: For any two vectors in . We can measure the distance between the arrowheads of the two vectors by finding the length of the vector from one arrowhead to another i.e. the distance is .


Let in .

  1. Find the unit vector .
  2. Let be the line through the origin containing . Using the inner product, find the perpendicular distance from the point to the line .

Suppose are two vectors in .

  1. Prove that . (Hint: write the norms in terms of inner products)
  2. Using (1), prove that . (Note: This is called the polarization identity. Using it, we can define the inner product in terms of the norm)
  3. Using (1), prove the law of cosine for triangles on a plane.