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終極井字遊戲 Ultimate tic-tac-toe

Ultimate tic-tac-toe (also known as super tic-tac-toestrategic tic-tac-toemeta tic-tac-toetic-tac-tic-tac-toe-toe, or (tic-tac-toe)²) is a board game composed of nine tic-tac-toe boards arranged in a 3 × 3 grid. Players take turns playing in the smaller tic-tac-toe boards until one of them wins in the larger tic-tac-toe board. Compared to traditional tic-tac-toe, strategy in this game is conceptually more difficult and has proven more challenging for computers. Rules Each small 3 × 3 tic-tac-toe board is referred to as a local board, and the larger 3 × 3 board is referred to as the global board. The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. This move "sends" their opponent to its relative location. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board. If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal tic-tac-toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board. If a player is sent to such a board, then that player may play in any other board. Game play ends when either a player wins the global board or there are no legal moves remaining, in which case the game is a draw.
終極井字遊戲 是一種棋盤遊戲,由9個井字遊戲板組成,並以3×3的網格排列。玩家輪流使用較小的井字遊戲板,直到其中一個贏得較大的井字遊戲板。與傳統的井字遊戲相比,此遊戲中的策略從概念上講更加困難,並且對計算機來說也更具挑戰性。 遊戲規則 每個小的3×3井字遊戲板稱為本地盤,而較大的3×3井字遊戲板稱為全局盤。 遊戲從在81個空位中的任意位置填入X開始。此舉會將其對手“發送”到其相對位置。例如,如果X在某本地盤的右上角下一個X,則O必須在全局盤右上角的本地盤中可用的位置填入下一個O,此舉又會再次將X發送到另一個相對位置的本地盤,依此類推。 過程中按照正常井字遊戲規則,若某位玩家(X或O)贏得了某本地盤,則整個本地盤都被標記為全球盤中該玩家的勝利(大X或大O)。 一旦一個本地盤被玩家贏得或被完全填滿,該本地盤就不能再進行任何放置。如果一個玩家被派往這樣的棋盤,則該玩家可以在任何其他棋盤上玩。 當玩家在贏得全局盤,遊戲結束。或是沒有任何空位可擺置時,遊戲為平局。