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IM 8.8.16 Lesson: When Is the Same Size Not the Same Size?

How are these shapes the same? How are they different?

A typical aspect ratio for photos is . Here’s a rectangle with a  aspect ratio.  What does it mean that the aspect ratio is ?

Mark up the diagram to show what it means to have the aspect ratio 4:3.

If the shorter side of the rectangle measures 15 inches:

What is the length of the longer side?

What is the length of the rectangle’s diagonal?

If the diagonal of the  rectangle measures 10 inches, how long are its sides?

If the diagonal of the  rectangle measures 6 inches, how long are its sides?

Before 2017, a smartphone manufacturer’s phones had a diagonal length of 5.8 inches and an aspect ratio of . In 2017, they released a new phone that also had a 5.8-inch diagonal length, but an aspect ratio of  . Some customers complained that the new phones had a smaller screen. Were they correct? If so, how much smaller was the new screen compared to the old screen? Space is provided below if needed.