Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Inserting pictures

The Image tool

The  Image tool allows you to insert an image into the  Graphics View. You can find the  Image tool in the Toolbox of Special Object Tools
Select the Image tool which opens a dialog that allows you to select a file from your local storage. Hint: If you don't have a suitable picture file saved on your computer, you can download our picture of the sunset before you try inserting a picture yourself. 


Task 1: Insert an image
1. Toolbar Image Activate the Image tool. Note: You will find the Image tool in the second Toolbox from the right.
2. In the appearing dialog select the desired image file and click OK to insert the image into the  Graphics View.
Task 2: Change the transparency of an inserted image Change the Transparency of an image to see objects or axes that lie behind the image.
3.Toolbar ImageActivate the Move tool and select the image you already inserted into the  Graphics View in Task 1.
4.Toolbar ImageOpen the Settings of the image using the  Style Bar button.
5.Select tab Color of the  Settings.
6.Change the Opacity of the image using the provided slider (values between 0% and 100%)

Try it yourself...

Instructions (continued)

Task 3: Relative position on screen The position of an image can be absolute on screen or relative to the coordinate system. You can specify this using the Fix Object button in the picture's  Style Bar
7.Toolbar ImageUse the Show / Hide Object tool to hide the two corner points of the inserted image in the  Graphics View
Note: You will find this tool in the General Tools Toolbox (last Toolbox).
8.Toolbar Image Activate the Move tool and select the image.
9.Open the Style Bar of the  Graphics View.
10.Use the  Fix Object button to fix the image to relative position on screen.
Note: It's also possible to fix the image by opening the  Settings and check the option Fix Object on tab Basic.
Task 4: Create a background image You can use any image as a background image in the  Graphics View
11.Toolbar ImageActivate the Move tool and select the inserted image in the  Graphics View.
12.Toolbar ImageOpen the Settings of the image by using the  Style Bar button.
13.On tab Basic, check the option Background Image.
Note: A background image cannot be selected in the  Graphics View anymore. If you want to change the style or status of a background image, you need to do the following:
14.Open the  Algebra View from the View menu.
15.Display the Auxiliary Objects using the  Settings in the  Algebra View Style Bar.
16.Select the image in the  Algebra View.
17.Open the  Settings of the image by using the Style Bar button. 
18.On tab Basic, you may uncheck the option Background Image.