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Style Bar

How to open the Style Bar of an object

Depending on the currently selected tool or object(s), the  Style Bar provides different options to change the color, size, label or style of objects in your construction.  Open the Style Bar for a certain object by following the steps below:
  1. Select the object you want to change in any View.
  2. Click on the  Style Bar button in the  Graphics View.
  3. Change the properties of your objects using the provided options in the  Style Bar.
  4. Close the  Style Bar or select another object to change its properties as well.
  • You may select more than one object to change their properties at the same time (e.g. color, size of points) by pressing the Ctrl-key while selecting the desired objects.
  • You may also open the Settings dialog, which offers more options to modify objects.
In GeoGebra, every object has a unique name that can be used to label the object in the Graphics View. In addition, an object can also be labeled using its value or its name and value. You can change this label setting in the Style Bar.
  • Select the Label button.
  • Choose one of the provided options Name, Value or Name & Value from the drop down menu.
Note: The value of a point is its coordinates, while the value of a function is its equation.


  1. Select a point and open the  Style Bar. Increase the point size and change its  color.
  2. Select a segment, change its  line thickness and style, and display its  label.
  3. Select the circle and find out how to change its transparency and color.

Try it yourself...


GeoGebra offers captions for all objects to be able to label several objects with the same name. Example: If you want to label the four edges of a square with the same letter a.
  • Select the object whose Caption you would like to change.
  • Open the Style Bar.
  • Select the Settings button to open the Settings and select tab Basic.
  • Enter the desired caption into the text field called Caption.
  • Activate the checkbox Show Label and select the labeling option Caption from the drop down menu.

How to open the Style Bar for a view

  1. Make sure that no object is selected.
  2. Click on the  Style Bar button in the upper right corner of a GeoGebra View to open the  Style Bar for the active View. Note: Each View provides its own Style Bar button and options.
Algebra View               
CAS View
Graphics View
3D Graphics View 
Spreadsheet View

Style Bar options for different GeoGebra views

Graphics View Style Bar Use the Graphics view style Bar Button in order to open the Graphics View Style Bar providing the following options:
  • Show / Hide the Axes: You may show or hide the coordinate axes.
  • Show / Hide the Grid: You may show or hide the grid (GeoGebra Desktop) or select which type of grid should be shown (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
  • Go Back to Default View: If the view on the Graphics View was changed before, this button sets the origin of the coordinate axes back to its default position.
  • Change the Point Capturing Settings: You can choose between the settings Automatic, Snap to Grid, Fixed to Grid, and Off.
  • Open the Properties Dialog: Open the Properties Dialog for the Graphics View or a selected object (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)
3D Graphics View Style Bar Use the 3D Graphics View Style Bar Button in order to open the 3D Graphics View Style Bar providing the following options:
  • Show / Hide the Axes: You may show or hide the coordinate axes, as well as the xOy-plane.
  • Show / Hide the Grid: You may show or hide a grid in the xOy-plane.
  • Go Back to Default View: You may move the coordinate system back to the default view.
  • Change the Point Capturing: You can choose between the settings Automatic, Snap to Grid, Fixed to Grid, and Off.
  • Start / Stop rotating the View Automatically: You may rotate the 3D Graphics View automatically and can set the direction as well as the speed of the rotation.
  • Adjust the View Direction: You may choose between the view towards the xOy-plane, xOz-plane, yOz-plane, or rotate back to the default view.
  • Toggle Clipping Box: You may adapt the size of the clipping box and may choose between the options None, Small, Medium and Large.
  • Choose the Type of Projection: You may choose between a Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection, Projection for 3D Glasses, and Oblique Projection.
  • Open the Properties Dialog: Open the Properties Dialog for the 3D Graphics View or a selected object (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
Algebra View Style Bar Use the Algebra View Style Bar Button in order to open the Algebra View Style Bar providing the following options:
  • Show / Hide Auxiliary Objects: Toggling this button shows or hides Auxiliary Objects in the Algebra View.
  • Sort Objects by: You may organize the mathematical objects according to the following criteria:
    • Dependency: The mathematical objects are organized as Free and Dependent objects. If you create a new object without using any other existing objects, it is classified as a Free Object. If your newly created object was created by using other existing objects, it is classified as a Dependent Object.
    • Object Type: By default, the mathematical objects are organized by Object Types (e.g. Angles, Lines, Points), which are displayed in alphabetical order.
    • Layer: The mathematical objects are organized according to the layer they are drawn on.
    • Construction Order: The mathematical objects are organized by construction order.
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
 CAS View Style Bar Use the CAS View Style Bar Button in order to open the CAS View Style Bar providing the following options:
  • Text: Select the button in order to change the Text Color and set the style to Bold or Italic.
  • Virtual Keyboard: Display a virtual keyboard in a separate window (GeoGebra Desktop).
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).
Spreadsheet View Style Bar Use the Spreadsheet View Style Bar Button in order to open the Spreadsheet View Style Bar providing the following options:
  • Show Input Bar: Toggling this button shows or hides the Input Bar at the top of the Spreadsheet View (GeoGebra Desktop).
  • Bold: Set the font style to bold.
  • Italic: Set the font style to italic.
  • Text Alignment: Set the text alignment to Left, Center, or Right.
  • Background Color: Change the background color of a cell.
  • Cell Borders: Change the style of the cell borders (GeoGebra Desktop)
  • Properties Dialog: Open the Properties Dialog (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).

Style Bar Options for Tools and Objects

Depending on the Tool or existing object you select, the Style Bar offers a selection of buttons to change the following properties of either the selected object(s) or the object(s) you are about to create using the selectedTool:
  • Point Style: You may choose between different point styles (e.g. dot, cross, arrow, diamond) and set the point size.
  • Line Style: You may choose between different line styles (e.g. dashed, dotted) and set the line thickness.
  • Color of Object: You may set a different color for the selected object.
  • Color and Transparency of Object Filling: You may choose the color and transparency of the filling for the selected object.
  • Text Style: You may set the Text Color, Background Color, Text Style ( bold, italic), and Font Size for a text object.
  • Labelling Settings: You may choose from the following Labelling Settings:
    • Hidden: No label is displayed.
    • Name: Only the name of the object is displayed (e.g. A).
    • Name & Value: Name and value of the object are shown (e.g. A = (1, 1)).
    • Value: Only the value of the object is displayed (e.g. (1, 1)).
  • Caption: You may display a caption that differs from the name or value of the object (e.g., if you want to give several objects the same label) and can be specified in the Properties Dialog.
  • Absolute Position on Screen: You may fix an object (e.g. a text box) in the screen so that it is not affected by moving the (3D) Graphics view or zooming (GeoGebra Desktop).
  • Properties Dialog: Open the Properties Dialog. (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)
  • Display Views: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).