calc 3 - EICC - spring 2017
A selection of resources to accompany a calc 3 course using Thomas's Calculus 13ed.
Some by me. Others borrowed / copied / modified by the kind people who are better at geogebra than I. Thanks.

Table of Contents
ch. 12 - vectors & geometry of space
ch. 13 - vector valued functions & motion in space
- calc 3 - openstax - parametric curves in space
- calc 3 - openstax - some helices
- 13.1 - ex 3 - discontinuous vector fu…
- calc 3 - openstax - derivatives of vector valued functions - tangent vector
- calc 3 - Tangent Velocity Vectors
- calc 3 - vector functions of constant length
- 13.4 - Normal Vector to Tangent Vector
- calc 3 - TNB Frame
ch. 14 - Partial Derivatives
ch. 15 - Multiple Integrals
ch. 16 - Integrals and Vector Fields