Google Classroom

combine by dragging (2)


Some students have an excelent visual memory and know after the first time which is the left or the right graph. With an additional feature you can randomise the position of the graphs. This is also practical is you want to make several similar files because by randomizing these positions you don't have to bother about where to position them.

How to do this

  • list of points: Create a list of four points, according to the dimensions of the screen. listpoints= Shuffle({(-12, -1), (-5, -1), (2, -1), (9, -1)})
  • the position of AA, BB, CC and DD: Define: AA = listpoints(1), BB= listpoints(2), CC = listpoints(3) and DD = listpoints(4)
  • reset button: Add the command UpdateConstruction[] to reposition the four points
Since all depends just on the position of these four points you don't have to change anything else in the construction.