Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract and the Teaching for Mastery
The GeoGebra Resource Work Group, part of the Central Maths Hub, are a small group of teachers, both primary and secondary, who have come together to design, create and trial resources to support using "Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract" approaches in their teaching. Using GeoGebra to act as the pictorial phase of the approach, this book is a collection of those resources. Thanks to Tom Carpenter, Michael Borcherds and the GeoGebra community for the creation of these files.

Counters and Number Lines
Bar Models for fdp
Other Primary
Other Cross-Phase
- Multiplicative Commutativity
- Adding Double Digits
- Double digit subtraction
- 100 Grid for Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
- Fraction and Decimal Hundredths Grids
- Multiplying Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions 2
- Equivalent fractions
- Simplifying Fractions
- Comparing Two Fractions
- Add and Subtract Fractions
- Multiplying & Dividing by Powers of 10
- Line Graph of Simpson's characters
Other Secondary