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Pythagorean Triples
Formulas for generating Pythagorean Triples
Pythagorean Triples
Johannes Boot
Many algebraic methods exist for generating Pythagorean triples. In this book you will find various methods and the geometry behind these formulas.
Formulas for generating Pythagorean Triples
Rath's (1873 -1874) construction of Pythagorean Triples
Dickson 1894 rule for generating Pythagorean triples
Cattaneo's method for generating Pythagorean Triples(1908)
L E Dickson's (1920) method for generating Pythagorean triples
Tabulating all Pythagorean triples - Klostergaard (1978)
Generating Pythagorean Triples (Bredenkamp 2013)
Pythagorean Triples and the Unit Circle
Fibonacci Box method for generating Pythagorean triples
Fibonacci Box Method using Bredenkamp's (i,j)-generators
Odd and even series of Pythagorean triples
Rath's (1873 -1874) construction of Pythagorean Triples
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