Didactical designs and Pedagogical strategies using GeoGebra
At the Digital Integration to the Teaching Practice in Mathematics seminar, as a space for teachers’ professional development, we are working collaboratively alongside a group of Mexican primary teachers on didactical designing using GeoGebra Materials Platform. Such designs have been developed based on three principles: popularization of research findings, to attend the epistemic considerations of the knowledge; consideration of hybrid design environments’ features (on-site, material, digital); and the guidance of each teacher’s experience, which ensures the contextuality of each design in the situation of the teachers and their students.
In this digital integration process, teachers have also developed pedagogical strategies autonomously, which allow them to use and integrate tools from the GeoGebra Materials Platform to meet the needs that have arose in their educational context, such as the scarcity of materials (textbooks), the collection and report of students’ activities (portfolio) and the use of digital resources even though access to Internet is not available.
Key words: Digital integration, Didactical design, Pedagogical strategies.