Uporaba orodij v GeoGebri
What are Tools?
Each GeoGebra View provides a Toolbar with a selection of Tools specific for the View you are working with. You may activate a Tool by clicking on the button showing the corresponding icon.
Task: Explore the
Circle with Center through Point tool

- Select the tool
Circle with Center through Point from the Graphics View Toolbar.
- Click in the Graphics View twice in order to create a circle. Note: The first click defines the center of the circle, while the second click determines its size.
- Select the
Move tool and drag the points in order to change the circle's size and / or position.
Try it yourself...
What are Toolboxes?
GeoGebra's Tools are organized in Toolboxes, containing similar Tools or Tools that generate the same type of new object. You can open a Toolbox by clicking on the lower part of a Tool button and selecting a Tool from the appearing list.
Task: Find the
Segment tool within the Toolboxes

- Search the Toolboxes for the
Segment tool
- Click in the
Graphics View twice in order to create two points and a segment between them.
- Select the
Move tool and drag the points in order to change size and / or position of the segment.
What are Tooltips?
If you select a Tool, a Tooltip appears explaining how to use this Tool.
Hint: Select the Tooltip in order to open a web page providing help for the selected Tool.
Task: Find out how the
Polygon tool works

- Select the
Polygon tool.
- Read the Tooltip.
- Figure out how to use this tool in order to create a triangle.