Prime Factors of Composite Numbers (Self Directed Activity)
Part I
By repeatedly dividing a given composite number using first the smallest prime factor (2) , then the subsequently larger prime factors, display the all the prime factors of the number in the form of a tree (branching downwards as shown)
Type in any number (3 digit and above) and see how the app helps you to do the above process, which together with result is called prime factorization.
Do this for 5 different numbers with increasing number of digits in the numbers.
*Note : Use the mouse to pan the viewing frame below if the lower branches are outside the frame.
Part II
Questions :
(a) Use the app below to find the largest prime factor of your own home address postal code
(b) Find the largest prime number that is 6 digit.
(c) Describe your problem solving strategy
How did you solve question (b) eg. using the tool in part 1 or 2, what strategy you used to search for the answer etc.)
Record your answers to question (a) to (c) in the Google Form here :
Let's find out who in your class has the postal code with the largest prime factor!