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Pytagoras`s setning - et puslespill
Pytagoras`s setning
Erik Langeland
Studèr de to animasjonene, og gjør tanker hva dette har med Pytagoras`s setning å gjøre.
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Pytagoras`s setning - et puslespill
New Resources
Calendar Puzzle
Proving Triangles Congruent (2): Multi-Step Transformations
Constructing the Midpoint and the Perpendicular Bisector of a Segment
Constructing the Perpendicular Line Through a Point Not on the Line
רישום חופשי
Discover Resources
Student Copy - Rule 2: Angles around point
Shape project
Take 3 - Classwork
PN4012 Lab 1 week 5 task 2
Discover Topics
Quadratic Equations
Hypothesis Testing
Difference and Slope
Poisson Distribution