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MMT: Synthesis of Mechanisms
Synthesis of two angular position follower with non Quick Re
Synthesis of two angular positions with no Quick Return
Synthesis of two positions for the coupler
Synthesis of a four bar for 3 poses
Synthesis of 4-bar with Three Poses for Coupler and Fixed po
Synthesis of a Slider Crank with Quick Return
Synthesis of two angular position follower with Quick Return
Synthesis of a Double 4-bar Quick Return
Synthesis of a double 4-bar quick return mechanism
Synthesis of a 6 bar quick return slider crank
Synthesis of a Quick Return Mechanism
Synthesis of trajectory generation for 3 points in specified
Síntesis de cuadrilátero artículado para 3 puntos del acopla
Synthesis of a geared 5 bar cognate of the 4 bar
Single dwell with dyad
Single Dwell Mechanism with slider
Synthesis of a double dwell linkage
Single Dwell Hoeken Mechanism
MMT: Synthesis of Mechanisms
Xabier Iriarte
This is a collection of applets on the Synthesis of Mechanisms in the context of the "Mechanism and Machine Theory" subject in the Mechanical Engineering Degree at the Public University of Navarra.
Synthesis of two angular position follower with non Quick Re
Synthesis of two angular positions with no Quick Return
Synthesis of two positions for the coupler
Synthesis of a four bar for 3 poses
Synthesis of 4-bar with Three Poses for Coupler and Fixed po
Synthesis of a Slider Crank with Quick Return
Synthesis of two angular position follower with Quick Return
Synthesis of a Double 4-bar Quick Return
Synthesis of a double 4-bar quick return mechanism
Synthesis of a 6 bar quick return slider crank
Synthesis of a Quick Return Mechanism
Synthesis of trajectory generation for 3 points in specified
Síntesis de cuadrilátero artículado para 3 puntos del acopla
Synthesis of a geared 5 bar cognate of the 4 bar
Single dwell with dyad
Single Dwell Mechanism with slider
Synthesis of a double dwell linkage
Single Dwell Hoeken Mechanism
Synthesis of two angular position follower with non Quick Re
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