Lesson Assessment

How did you implement your lesson plan? First, I introduced the program Geogebra. After attracting their attention to the program, I got the students to do simple things via the program by giving a chance for everyone to involve into the process. Later on, following the instructions of the day, we drew functions and observed the changes. We helped the ones who could not do the drawings, corrected the drawings with mistakes on my computer and reflected them all on the board. Do you think you could integrate technology in class properly? We did not experience any serious problems with regards to the use of technology in class, except the one with the overhead projector via which we reflected the drawings that we did by means of Geogebra. We sorted the problem out easily, though.    Do you think your students accomplished the outcomes of the lesson? I think the majority of the students accomplished the outcomes of the lesson since they had hands-on practices themselves. What do your students think about the course? At the end of the class, I asked the students what they thought the strengths and weaknesses of having the lessons via Geogebra were.  They expressed that it was with the help of Geogebra that they put into practice those parts which they had already covered in math and geometry classes and which were difficult to visualize and theorize. They added that the schemes in their mind expanded. They also stated that the pace of class could slow down, though. In addition, they said it helped them remember the topics they covered at school better since it provided a visual aid. What sort of changes could be made so that your method will work better? We had our practices in line with our own means including student mobile phones, tablet PCs, and a limited number of computers. If all students had had a chance to practice on a computer, it could have been better for students’ learning.