How to Edit Posts

The Post Settings

The Post Settings
 Edit a post Locate the post you would like to edit. Select  Edit from the  Post Settings in the upper right corner of the post. You are now able to ...
  •  edit the Title or Description of the post.
  •  change the Editing permissions (if applicable).
  • use Add Resource to add other resources to the post.
Note: An existing post may be edited by its creator, as well as by the Owner(s) of the Group.  Delete a post The creator of a post, as well as the Owner(s) of a Group, may delete a post from the Group by selecting  Delete from the  Post Settings. Note: Deleted posts cannot be restored later on!  Archive a post You may want to archive outdated posts in order to tidy up the stream of posts. To archive a post select  Archive from the  Post SettingsNote: Only the creator of a post, as well as the Owner(s) of the Group, are allowed to archive posts. Archived posts are hidden from the  Posts page and moved to the Archived Posts archive. It can be accessed by selecting the link  Archived Posts at the bottom of tab Posts. Select  Restore Post in the  Post Settings if you want to move a post back to the stream of posts.

Edit Resources in a Post

If you want to edit resources in a Post, you need to select  Edit from the  Post Settings or double-click on the Title of a Post. 
Add Resource You can add several resources to the same post.  Remove resource You may want to delete a resource from a post. Note: If the resource is not referred to in another post, it will be remove it from the Group. Resource Settings Open the  Resource Settings in order to change the default settings for Editing permissions.
Editing permissions Decide who is allowed to edit the resource shared in this post. Available options are... 
  • Authors only 
  • Authors and Group Owners
  • Authors, Group Owners, and Members 
Note: The default setting for all resources shared in a Group may be set by the Owner(s) in the Group Settings.