Circles, angles and chords
This is a series of applets for exploring circle properties, usually covered in senior secondary years.

Taula de continguts
angle proportional to arc
angles at circumference
concyclic points
proof and explanation
exercise / problem
circular geoboards
- circular 9 dots template
- circular 10 dots template
- circular 12 dots template
- circular 18 dots template
- circular pattern 9a
- circular pattern 9b
- circular pattern 9c
- circular pattern 9d
- circular pattern 9e
- circular pattern 9f
- circular pattern 9g
- circular pattern 12a
- circular pattern 12b
- circular pattern 12c
- circular pattern 12d
- circular pattern 12e
- circular pattern 12f
- circular pattern 12g
- explore 3 fold symmetry in 12 dots pattern