Perimeter & Area
Geometry: Perimeter & Area Applets

Table of Contents
Area (& Perimeter)
- Unit Squares: Multipurpose Template
- Constructing Rectangles: Open Middle Problem
- Composite Figure Template
- Open Middle: Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Parallelogram: Area
- Building Parallelograms with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Area of a Rhombus
- Area of a Triangle (Discovery)
- Triangle Area Action! (V1)
- Triangle Area Action!!! (V2)
- Area of a Triangle (V3)
- Create a Triangle with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Trapezoid: Area (I)
- Trapezoid: Area (2)
- Area of a Trapezoid (3)
- Create a Trapezoid with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Circumference = ? (Animation)
- Circumference = ? (Animation II)
- Angular to Linear: Without Words
- Circle Area (by Peeling)
- Area of a Circle (III)
- Circle Area (By Peeling!)
- Scaling Figures: Effects on Areas
- Regular Pentagon: Area
- Regular Pentagon: Area (II)
- Area of a Regular Polygon
- Regular Polygons: Perimeter & Area
- Area of a Sector
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V1)
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V2)
- Segment Area: Quick Investigation
- Area of a Triangle: Intuitive Discovery
- Area of a Trapezoid: Intuitive Discovery
Area Problems