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Classe GeoGebra
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Classe GeoGebra
Tabliczka mnożenia / Multiplication table
Twierdzenie Pitagorasa na płaszczyźnie
parametryzacja biegunowa
parametryzacja sferyczna
Snowflake Kaleidoscope
Multiplying 3 Factors
Probability Tree & Venn Diagrams
Truss structure - graphical solution - Cremona diagram
Energy Level Diagrams
Solids of Revolution Activity
Kardioida jako zbiór okęgów przecinających okrąg
Piece 6
Equivalent Fractions
Third piece of project
Grade 5 - Westwood Elementary (part 2)
Pythagoras Tree
Pythagoras' tree as circles
Tree Planting Problem - Rows of 3
Calculate residuals
tree bench
Courbe Feuilles d'Arbres
Close to ____
AQR Section 1 Exercise 16: Number Walls
Circle of Circles
Kissing Petals
Decimal to Mixed Number Conversions
Powers of a complex number
triangular numbers
Number Pyramids
Fruit of life,flower of life...
Stage - 1. Evolution des effectifs
Step #13
13 Meth 70 Transformations
13 Megan Translations
Harriss Spiral - Example
Sequence that produces points in multiple rows
Row Reducing a Matrix
Sea Circles
Triangle Patterns in Fabric
Pyramid Math
piramide a base esagonale
Three-digit whole numbers
Positioning Fractions on the Number Line
Paired Numbers
Centered Polygonal Number 中心多邊形數
Part-Part-Whole model using circles
Mixed numbers - 2nd part
Interactive Number Grid
Polygonal numbers
Simmetria assiale
Hex meditation tunnel
Dynamic tessellation made of points placed on triangles
Seven Circles Theorem
Place Value Manipulatives
CCGPS AG 1.4.1 Example 2
Circle Theorems
Rosassa amb simetria variable
HW Problem Number 6
multiplication table-1
Kutupsal koordinatlar
Dragons Revenge Christine Keeler
Auteur :
Emil Wychowaniec
Tabliczka mnożenia / Multiplication table
Twierdzenie Pitagorasa na płaszczyźnie
parametryzacja biegunowa
parametryzacja sferyczna
Snowflake Kaleidoscope
Multiplying 3 Factors
Probability Tree & Venn Diagrams
Truss structure - graphical solution - Cremona diagram
Energy Level Diagrams
Solids of Revolution Activity
Kardioida jako zbiór okęgów przecinających okrąg
Piece 6
Equivalent Fractions
Third piece of project
Grade 5 - Westwood Elementary (part 2)
Pythagoras Tree
Pythagoras' tree as circles
Tree Planting Problem - Rows of 3
Calculate residuals
tree bench
Courbe Feuilles d'Arbres
Close to ____
AQR Section 1 Exercise 16: Number Walls
Circle of Circles
Kissing Petals
Decimal to Mixed Number Conversions
Powers of a complex number
triangular numbers
Number Pyramids
Fruit of life,flower of life...
Stage - 1. Evolution des effectifs
Step #13
13 Meth 70 Transformations
13 Megan Translations
Harriss Spiral - Example
Sequence that produces points in multiple rows
Row Reducing a Matrix
Sea Circles
Triangle Patterns in Fabric
Pyramid Math
piramide a base esagonale
Three-digit whole numbers
Positioning Fractions on the Number Line
Paired Numbers
Centered Polygonal Number 中心多邊形數
Part-Part-Whole model using circles
Mixed numbers - 2nd part
Interactive Number Grid
Polygonal numbers
Simmetria assiale
Hex meditation tunnel
Dynamic tessellation made of points placed on triangles
Seven Circles Theorem
Place Value Manipulatives
CCGPS AG 1.4.1 Example 2
Circle Theorems
Rosassa amb simetria variable
HW Problem Number 6
multiplication table-1
Kutupsal koordinatlar
Dragons Revenge Christine Keeler
Tabliczka mnożenia / Multiplication table
Nouvelles ressources
Trójkąt o bokach 3, 5 i 7
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 12 zad. 6b rys. 1
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 10 zad. 7
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 11 zad. 2a
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 13 zad. 10 rys. 2
Découvrir des ressources
siatka prostopadloscianu
Ostrosłup o podstawie trójkąta równobocznego - 3
Obwód kwadratu 2
Bez Nazwy
Découvrir des Thèmes
Points Spéciaux