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GeoGebraGeoGebra Razred


Theorem 8.1 Limits of Sequences from Limits of Functions

Suppose is a function such that for all positive integers n. If , then the sequence is also L

Theorem 8.2 Limit Laws for Sequences

Assume the sequences and have limits A and B respectively. Then A) B) where c is real number C) D) provided B does not equal 0

Limit 8.3 Geometric Sequences

Let r be a real number. Then A) 0 if |r|<1 B) 1 if r=1 C) does not exist if r 1 or r>1 if r>0, then is a monotonic sequence. If r<0, then oscillates

Geometric Sequence Visualized

Theorem 8.4 Squeeze Theorem for Sequences

Let , , and be sequences with for all integers n greater than some index N. If . Then