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Classe GeoGebra
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Google Classroom
Classe GeoGebra
Doppler effect and supersonic wall
Graph transformation game - find 1 parameter
4Dframe soccer ball
Basketball 3D
Basketball Foul Shot
Basketball shot #5
Isosceles Triangle Construction
soccer 2.2
Soccer ball
Soccer Ball - Hexagon
Soccer shootout
soccer 2
Reflected circles animation
Inside the torus
Animation d'enveloppes de courbes
3D Animation
Football Field - Inequalities
n=100. Polyhedron Computer constructions
n=48 Polyhedron Computer construction. Lowering the accuracy
Modelling a computer game using quadratics.
Computer project #1
n=32. Polyhedron Computer constructions
n=130. Polyhedron Computer constructions
앵그리버드 레벨2(벡터와 미분)
미분/도함수 그래프
Slope field
Transformations Game
Exponents Game - Level 1
Exponents Game - Level 2
Exponents Game - Level 3
Exponents Game - Level 4
Exponents Game - Level 6
Guess the game!
Points Game
Cat Maze
Game Koordinat Cartesius
Mean Median Mode Game
Boat Coordinate Game
Rotation Game
Chaos Game Seirpinski Triangle
Hex Sums Math Game
America's cup
Rational Function Game
wheel of fortune-1
Blue Print Game
Sliding Game
Angry Birds
Lights Out Game - with target patterns
Let's play Lotto
Auteur :
Doppler effect and supersonic wall
Graph transformation game - find 1 parameter
4Dframe soccer ball
Basketball 3D
Basketball Foul Shot
Basketball shot #5
Isosceles Triangle Construction
soccer 2.2
Soccer ball
Soccer Ball - Hexagon
Soccer shootout
soccer 2
Reflected circles animation
Inside the torus
Animation d'enveloppes de courbes
3D Animation
Football Field - Inequalities
n=100. Polyhedron Computer constructions
n=48 Polyhedron Computer construction. Lowering the accuracy
Modelling a computer game using quadratics.
Computer project #1
n=32. Polyhedron Computer constructions
n=130. Polyhedron Computer constructions
앵그리버드 레벨2(벡터와 미분)
미분/도함수 그래프
Slope field
Transformations Game
Exponents Game - Level 1
Exponents Game - Level 2
Exponents Game - Level 3
Exponents Game - Level 4
Exponents Game - Level 6
Guess the game!
Points Game
Cat Maze
Game Koordinat Cartesius
Mean Median Mode Game
Boat Coordinate Game
Rotation Game
Chaos Game Seirpinski Triangle
Hex Sums Math Game
America's cup
Rational Function Game
wheel of fortune-1
Blue Print Game
Sliding Game
Angry Birds
Lights Out Game - with target patterns
Let's play Lotto
Doppler effect and supersonic wall
Nouvelles ressources
슈푸스타 푸공주 푸바오
과제2: 내적을 활용하여 수선의 발의 좌표 구하기
벡터의 뺄셈은 어떻게 할까?
평면의 결정조건
뫼비우스의 띠와 클라인 병
Découvrir des ressources
제목 없음
포락선 도구활용
종이접기의 공리 6
육각형의 외각의 합 의 복사본
Découvrir des Thèmes
Triangles Rectangles
Calcul Intégral
Geometrie Fractale
Courbes Paramétriques