Classical Mechanics with Numerical Methods
A book on introductory mechanics and numerical methods for lower division undergraduate students in engineering or physical sciences.
Edit 08/24 Added a section on multiplying vectors and the nonexistence of a vector inverse
Edit 08/24 Added history of quaternions to the vectors chapter
Edit 10/24/23 Rewrote introduction to Work and Energy chapter and added section on notation
Edit 9/10/22. Edited fuel economy section
Edit 9/10/22. Added kinematics examples.
Edit 9/27/20. Added clarification of train transport efficiency.
Edit 9/19/19. Clarification of gravitational fields in fundamental forces section.
Edit 9/10/19. Graphic on box with static friction fixed.
Edit 4/19/19. Section added on drag force derivation and other small details were modified.
"Beach" by Pexels is in the Public Domain, CC0