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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Section 6.1-Inverse Functions
Slope Fields and Solution Curves
Slope field
Section 10.1-Parametric Curves
10.2-Projectile Motion with Drag Coefficient (not in text)
Section 10.3-Polar Curves
Section 10.4-Area in Polar Coordinates
Section 11.1-Recursive Sequence
Section 11.1-Sequences
Section 11.2 (and on)-Series
Section 11.8-Power Series
Section 11.10-Taylor Series
Section 11.10-More Complicated Taylor Series
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
How a Secant Becomes a Tangent, part 3
u-substitution 3
How a Secant Becomes a Tangent, part 1
Estimating Area Under Curves
Solids and volumes of revolution (rotation about y_axis)
Dana Dolyak
Section 6.1-Inverse Functions
Slope Fields and Solution Curves
Slope field
Section 10.1-Parametric Curves
10.2-Projectile Motion with Drag Coefficient (not in text)
Section 10.3-Polar Curves
Section 10.4-Area in Polar Coordinates
Section 11.1-Recursive Sequence
Section 11.1-Sequences
Section 11.2 (and on)-Series
Section 11.8-Power Series
Section 11.10-Taylor Series
Section 11.10-More Complicated Taylor Series
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
How a Secant Becomes a Tangent, part 3
u-substitution 3
How a Secant Becomes a Tangent, part 1
Estimating Area Under Curves
Solids and volumes of revolution (rotation about y_axis)
New Resources
Experiments with Transformations in the Plane
Roll 6d five times
Basic Percent Exercises (V2)
A note on Erdős’s mysterious remark
Similar Solids
Discover Resources
Harder Symmetry Exercise for Kids
Newton's Approximation
Forum 2 42859 D PixelPerUnit
Nathan Gardner Altitudes
Use of GeoGebra in Further Maths: examples
Activity 12R Part 2
Discover Topics
Vectors 2D (Two-Dimensional)
Circumcircle or Circumscribed Circle
Linear Regression
Complex Numbers