Nemo and the unit spheres
GeoGebra Book used in the JKU LVA 355.106 (2016S) "KV GeoGebra & CAS for teaching mathematics" with Prof. Markus Hohenwarter
It is loosely based on a lesson I usually teach before Christmas, after the students have learned about the nth root and exponential functions and start to wonder what use all this could possibly be of.
After some theoretical intros, this workbook finally leads to image recognition as one seriuos application of normalizing vectors, hence of the nth roots. Therefore, it introduces 3 different norms and their unit circles (in ). It contains the general definition of an norm and introduces , and norm in .
This workbook may not be useful as a hands-on workbook for students, but it may give some inspirations on how to demonstrate the various application of mathematics.