Overview of Calculus Book
This GeoGebraBook is intended as a collection of material for single variable calculus.
It will be organized following the normal syllabus of a standard course.
This is also something of a proof of concept project. It will have a number of additions that
can be described as me checking to see if I can do things with features of Geogebra or GeoGebraBooks
or to show off constructions others have made that I think of as cool.
This page is my first attempt at looking at the new page structure in GeoGebraBooks, allowing richer content on a page.
As mentioned above this is also a proof of concept project.
Some of the applets are my own work. Some are modifications of applets created by others. Some are simply the work of others.
The applets included span a variety of models for what an applet can do.
A number of the applets are visual demonstrations of some concept.
The applets I choose tend to give you the option of using your favorite function in the demonstration.
I think of this as "classic GeoGebra"

As I modification of the first model, I have moved toward having a number of preset examples ready for selection, typically with a slider bar. This makes it easy to work through the examples that show features of interest.

I have also started playing with applets that are designed as drill tools. This uses the CAS engine. It lets students do unlimited drill and get immediate feedback.

I also have found interesting applets that do a fixed example, but use several sheets for explanation.

In the review material I use an applet that simply reviews trig functions of standard angles.