PreCalculus Review
Worksheets intended to provide review problems for those preparing for Calculus. Most worksheets also contain information about videos at Khan Academy on the topic being reviews. Look at the directions above the worksheet to find video links.
I have located a couple practice Calculus Readiness Tests. You might try them to identify specific topics you need to brush up on. https://www.sfu.ca/math/calculus_readiness_test/practice_test.html and http://defunct.mdtp.ucsd.edu/test_new/?show_instructions=3
Feel free to email me at khopkins@sbuniv.edu if you think there is an error in any worksheet (please be as specific as possible-a screenshot of the error would be most helpful). I tested them quite a bit, but there could be things that come up that I didn’t encounter in my testing.
I would also like to know if you used these and found them useful. If so, can you think of ways I could expand them?
I would encourage you to watch an introductory video (http://youtu.be/zzz42Y_qZJw) to get a feel for how the worksheets operate.

Table of Contents
Algebra Review
- Lines
- Perpendicular and Parallel Lines-Section 2.7-2.8
- Solving a system of equations-Section 3.1-3.2 in College Alg
- Algebra of Function
- Evaluate f(x + h)
- Work with difference quotient
- Solving Quadratics by Factoring
- Working with circles.
- Solving Linear Inequalities
- Solving Absolute Value Inequalities
- Solving Quadratic Inequalities
- Solving Polynomial Inequalities
- Solving Rational Inequalities
Trigonometry Review
- Convert angles in degrees to radians
- Convert angles in radians to degrees
- Trig values for standard angles
- Find Angle from Trig Function Value
- Appendix D (covered after section 2.3)-Graph of Sin(x)
- Appendix D (covered after section 2.3)-Graph of Cos(x).
- Appendix D (covered after section 2.3)-Graph of Tan(x)
- Function Transformations
- Solving a Right Triangle