Transformation Principle
Apply a affine transformation T to a shape S that is a combination of a scaling, rotation, and/or translation. The Camera and Pixel points define the red line of sight for the transformed shape T(S). It will intersection the transformed shape T(S) at a point P if and only if the inverse point T^(-1)(P) intersects the original shape S. This can be illustrated by choosing the location of the Pixel point and using the slider to change the value of t along the red line of sight until the point P intersects T(S) for that t value (if it does). The corresponding point along the blue line of sight will intersect the original shape S at the same t value.
Click on the scaling, translation and rotation buttons to scale, translate, or rotate the original shape S. Specify the values by using the sliders or entering the values in the text boxes. For scaling and translation, the top box (slider) is for the x direction and the bottom box (slider) is for the y direction. Check the Lock box to scale by the same amount in both the x and y directions.
You can move the colored corner points with the mouse to change the original shape.
The Restore button sets all values back to their default values.
The Reset button deletes all transformations.
Check Hide Original Shape to show only the transformed image.