| Enter y = m x + b into the Algebra Input and press the Enter key.
Hint: GeoGebra will automatically create sliders for the parameters a and b.
2. |
| Create the intersection point A between the line and the y-axis.
Hint: You may either use the Intersect tool, or the command Intersect(a, yAxis).
3. |
| Create a point B at the origin using tool Intersect.
4. |  | Select tool Segment and create a segment between the points A and B.
Hint: Alternatively, you may use the command Segment[A, B] as well. | |
5. |  | Hide points A and B by clicking on the corresponding marbles to the left of their coordinates in the Algebra View.
6. |  | Use tool Slope in order to create the slope (triangle) of the line by clicking on the line. |
7. |  | Enhance the appearance of your construction using the Style Bar (e.g., increase the line thickness of the segment to make it visible on top of the y-axis.). |