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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Parametri enačbe premice


  1. Graph a linear equation y = m x + b whose parameters can be modified using sliders.
  2. Display the slope of the corresponding line and visualize the y-intercept.

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1. Toolbar Image Enter y = m x + b  into the Algebra Input and press the Enter key. Hint: GeoGebra will automatically create sliders for the parameters a and b.
2.Toolbar Image Create the intersection point A between the line and the y-axis. Hint: You may either use the Intersect tool, or the command Intersect(a, yAxis).
3.Toolbar Image Create a point B at the origin using tool Intersect.
4.Toolbar ImageSelect tool Segment and create a segment between the points A and B. Hint: Alternatively, you may use the command Segment[A, B] as well.
5.Toolbar ImageHide points A and B by clicking on the corresponding marbles to the left of their coordinates in the Algebra View.
6.Toolbar ImageUse tool Slope in order to create the slope (triangle) of the line by clicking on the line.
7.Enhance the appearance of your construction using the Style Bar (e.g., increase the line thickness of the segment to make it visible on top of the y-axis.).