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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

8-1 Points, Lines, Rays, and Segments

Complete the steps below the workspace. Be sure to type answers in for each question!

1. Using the point tool, create point A and point B.

In your own words, define the meaning of a point.

2. Using the line tool, create line AB.

In your own words, define line.  What do you see?

3. Using the point tool, create point C and point D.


4. Using the segment tool, create segment CD.

In your own words, define segment.

Explain the difference between a line and a line segment.

Is it possible for line AB to have length?  Why or why not?

Is it possible for segment CD to have length?  Why or why not?  Use the measuring tool for distance and length to find the length of segment CD.

5. Using the point tool, create point E and point F.


6. Using the ray tool, create ray EF.

In your own words, explain the difference between a ray and a line.  Be specific.

In your own words, explain the difference between a ray and a segment.  Be specific.

7. Using the point tool, create point G and point H. Using the line tool, create line HG.


8. Using the point tool, create point I and J. Use the line tool to create line I and J that intersects with line HG. Label the intersection point K.


In your own words, define intersecting lines and give a real-life example of intersecting lines.

10. Using the point tool, create point L and M. Use the line tool to create line LM. Create points N and O. Use the line tool to create line NO that is parallel with line LM.


In your own words, define parallel lines and give a real-life example of parallel lines.