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GeoGebra Classroom
Rolling regular polygons
Happy new year!
Rolling regular polygons
Rolling regular polygons around rectangle
Rotations the regular Polygons
Star of David
Star of David
closest 3 unit squares relative to their inclination
Internally rotation regular polygon
Rolling regular polygon with coloration
Rolling polygons around another rotating regular polygons
Rolling polygons around another rotating regular polygons
Externally and internally rotation regular polygons
Externally and internally rotation regular polygons
Rolling Hypocycloids
Move and rotate rolling epicycloids
Wheel Test
Rolling epicycloid
Rolling hypocycloid
Hypocycloid Wheel
The Ferris Wheel
animation1(Reuleaux triangle)
animation2(Reuleaux triangle)
animation3(Reuleaux triangle)
animation4(Reuleaux triangle)
Roulement sans glissement d'éllipses
A Reuleaux couple
Menage a quatre
rotacion alrededor de circulo
Polygonal wheels
A Rolling Reuleaux Triangle
A Rolling Reuleaux Triangle in Rhombus
Five Rolling Triangles
Rolling Triangles
Nine Rotating Squares
Eje de giro de una rueda
Bicicletta con le ruote quadrate
Polygonal wheels in a circle
Rotating regular polygons
Mittelpunktskurve beim Abrollen eines regulären Gleichdicks
Reflecting Elipses
Abrollen am Kreis
Velocidad de los puntos animados
Uma pista para roda elíptica
Circle and square
Linear motion
Ilusión óptica. Polígonos y circunferencias
Square Wheels
Square Wheel 2
Roda Quadrada
Pista para roda quadrada
Deltoide en astroide
Jugando con el Logo de GeoGebra
tétraèdre roulant
Act 2
The dance of the rhombi
5 円の回転
Reuleaux Triangle
Spirography (the true Spirograph)
Cardioid and ellipses
Ellipse rollt an Ellipse
Kreis rollt innen am Kreis
Oloid abrollen
Reuleaux-Zweieck als Dreiecksbohrer
Happy new year !
Dreiecksrotation im Kreis
ruedas poligonales
Rotating Nested Regular Polygons
A cube rolling on a checkerboard (#Loop)
Würfel auf Tischplatte
Wagen mit Kardioiden-Rädern
Abrollende Ellipsen
Trois polygones réguliers très pressés :)
Promenade de 3 polygones réguliers. ( avec des nombres impairs de sommets)
Promenade de polygones réguliers 3D (V2)
405 定幅図形
405 定幅図形(正五角形)
Rolling Triangle
Rolling regular polygons
Roman Chijner
Rolling regular polygons
Happy new year!
Rolling regular polygons
Rolling regular polygons around rectangle
Rotations the regular Polygons
Star of David
Star of David
closest 3 unit squares relative to their inclination
Internally rotation regular polygon
Rolling regular polygon with coloration
Rolling polygons around another rotating regular polygons
Rolling polygons around another rotating regular polygons
Externally and internally rotation regular polygons
Externally and internally rotation regular polygons
Rolling Hypocycloids
Move and rotate rolling epicycloids
Wheel Test
Rolling epicycloid
Rolling hypocycloid
Hypocycloid Wheel
The Ferris Wheel
animation1(Reuleaux triangle)
animation2(Reuleaux triangle)
animation3(Reuleaux triangle)
animation4(Reuleaux triangle)
Roulement sans glissement d'éllipses
A Reuleaux couple
Menage a quatre
rotacion alrededor de circulo
Polygonal wheels
A Rolling Reuleaux Triangle
A Rolling Reuleaux Triangle in Rhombus
Five Rolling Triangles
Rolling Triangles
Nine Rotating Squares
Eje de giro de una rueda
Bicicletta con le ruote quadrate
Polygonal wheels in a circle
Rotating regular polygons
Mittelpunktskurve beim Abrollen eines regulären Gleichdicks
Reflecting Elipses
Abrollen am Kreis
Velocidad de los puntos animados
Uma pista para roda elíptica
Circle and square
Linear motion
Ilusión óptica. Polígonos y circunferencias
Square Wheels
Square Wheel 2
Roda Quadrada
Pista para roda quadrada
Deltoide en astroide
Jugando con el Logo de GeoGebra
tétraèdre roulant
Act 2
The dance of the rhombi
5 円の回転
Reuleaux Triangle
Spirography (the true Spirograph)
Cardioid and ellipses
Ellipse rollt an Ellipse
Kreis rollt innen am Kreis
Oloid abrollen
Reuleaux-Zweieck als Dreiecksbohrer
Happy new year !
Dreiecksrotation im Kreis
ruedas poligonales
Rotating Nested Regular Polygons
A cube rolling on a checkerboard (#Loop)
Würfel auf Tischplatte
Wagen mit Kardioiden-Rädern
Abrollende Ellipsen
Trois polygones réguliers très pressés :)
Promenade de 3 polygones réguliers. ( avec des nombres impairs de sommets)
Promenade de polygones réguliers 3D (V2)
405 定幅図形
405 定幅図形(正五角形)
Rolling Triangle
Happy new year!
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Nikmati Keunggulan Di Bandar Judi Terpercaya
seo tool
Morse code visualizer / decoder
Flip A Bunch of Coins
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Arcs & Angles
Core 2: Stationary Points
cube divided by 2
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