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Self Assessment : Graphs of Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form +/- (x-h)^2 +k

Instructions for Self Assessment

This multiple choice quiz has 14 questions. Answer all questions. 1. First question is shown below. 2. To answer, click on the drop down list "Answer choice :" 3. Select (a), (b), (c) or (d) for the graph that best represents the given function shown. 4. Click on "Check" button to get immediate feedback for your choice. 5. Notes (in blue background, and the lower part of the screen) will be provided to explain the correct answer. 6. Score of 1 point is given for each correct answer. No marks deducted for errors. Each question can only be attempted once. 7. Click on "New" button to get the next question. 8. When you have completed the last of the 14 questions, you will be informed you have completed the quiz, with total score over 14. And advice to redo the quiz if you score 10 points or below. 9. If this quiz is given as a Geogebra or Google Classroom assignment, leave the assignment on the page showing the total score.