Google Classroom

Plane intersection-points, lines, and planes

Use the applet to answer the following questions.

1. Give two different names for the pink plane. 2. Give two different names for the blue plane. 3. Name the intersection of the pink plane and the blue plane. 4. Are the following points collinear? Hint: If you are not sure, use the line tool to connect two points.  a. E and F  b. A and E  c. F and G  d. H and B  e. H, A, and G f. D, A, and G 5. Are the following points coplanar? Hint: If you are not sure, use the plane tool to check. a. A, B, and C b. D, E, and F c. D, B, and C d. H, I, and G e. E, F, and K