- A wave is given by What is the speed of the wave?
- What is the amplitude?
- What is the wave number k?
- What is the wavelength?
- What is the frequency f?
- What is the direction of travel?
- How could you alter the direction of travel?
- What is the amplitude of the disturbance at x=3.0m, t=1.0s?
- If this function reprsents the displacement of a string perpendicular to its length (as on a guitar string), at what transverse velocity does the string move at the position and time given above?
- If this does not match the wave speed, why not?
- Ocean waves strike a shoreline once every 5 seconds, and the wave speed is 2m/s.
- What is the period of the waves?
- What is the wavelength?
- What is k?
- What is ?
- If a light wave's amplitude is tripled, what happens to the brightness or intensity of the light?
- If a seismic wave is to double in energy, how much larger amplitude must it have?
- How much momentum will a light wave that delivers per second to a surface deliver per second?
- Given two waves of equal amplitude and wavelength, what relative phase is required to make the sum of the waves of equal amplitude to the two constituent waves?
- Given two ocean waves - one of amplitude 1.0m and another 2.0m - of equal wavelength, what relative phase is required to make the resulting waves 1.5m in amplitude. What phase will the resulting wave have relative to the 1.0m wave?
1. 0.6m/s
2. 2 (presumably meters, but mustn't be)
3. 5rad/m
6. +x direction
7. change either sign of k or
8. -1.07 same issue with units as #2
10. This is transverse motion of the string rather than the longitudinal wave on the string.
11. n/a
12. 5s
13. 10m
16. 9 times brighter
17. times
20. tbd