CCSS High School: Functions (Interpreting Functions)
This GeoGebra Book contains discovery-based learning activities, investigations, and meaningful remediation worksheets that were designed to help enhance students' learning of concepts related to interpreting functions.

Lista de conteúdos
- Function Behavior
- Quick Intercepts Illustrator
- Relative Extrema Illustrator
- Polynomial End Behavior (Dance...)
- What Makes a Function Even?
- Animation 143
- What Makes a Function Odd?
- Animation 144
- Odd Functions (Another Look)
- Odd Functions: Another Look (Take 2)!
- Periodic Function Action!
- Animation 189
- Sine & Cosine Period Action (1)!
- Animation 190
- Animation 191
- Sine & Cosine Period Action (1)!
- Sine & Cosine Period Action (2)!
- Tangent Period Action (1)!
- Animation 192
- Tangent Period Action (2)!
- Dolbear's Law
- Half-Life Function
HSF.IF.C.7, 7.A, 7.B, 7.C, 7.D, 7.E
- Sketching Graph Models
- Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator
- Quadratic Function
- Absolute Value Function
- Square Root Function
- Cube Root Function
- Exponential Functions: Graphs
- Exponential Functions (Graph & Equation Anatomy)
- Logarithmic Functions: Graphs
- Logarithmic Functions (Graph & Equation Anatomy)
- Quiz: Dividing Polynomial Expressions
- Graphing Sine & Cosine Functions (II)
- Graphing Sine & Cosine Functions (I)
- Graph y = a sin(x) + d (Quiz)
- Graph y = a cos(x) + d (Quiz)
- Rational Function Grapher
HSF.IF.C.8, 8.A, 8.B, C.9
Links to Other CCSS High School: Functions Resources
*Additional: Links to CCSS High School: Geometry Resources