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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Graphing Trig Functions

Use the GeoGebra File below to schow how a, b, c, and d affect their graphs and then answer the questions below.
Use the graph above to answer the following questions. 1) How does the a variable affect the graphs qualitatively? 2) How does the graph of y = 2 sin(x) differ from the graph of y = sin(x)? 3) How does the b variable affect the graphs qualitatively? 4) How does the graph of y = cos(4x) differ from the graph of y = cos(x)? 5) How does the c variable affect the graphs qualitatively? 6) How does the graph of y = tan(x + 2) differ from the graph of y = tan(x)? 7) How does the d variable affect the graphs qualitatively? 8) How does the graph of y = cos(x) - 4 differ from the graph of y = cos(x)? 9) If provided with the graph of y = 2 sin(3x) + 1, how would you sketch a graph y = 2 csc(3x) + 1? 10) Connect the following vocabulary to the a, b, c, or d variable that controls it. (period, phase shift, amplitude, vertical shift) 11) How long are the periods for the following functions? (Express your answer in both radians and degrees) y = sin(x) y = cos(x) y = tan(x) 12) If given the equation 3 sin(2x) - 1 = 4, how can you use the graph to conclude that there is no solution?